from Water’s Edge Press in conjunction with Lakeland University
Some of you may know that before I became the editor of Water’s Edge Press, I taught high school English for nearly 27 years. Part of my teaching philosophy was the belief that we learn best by doing. We get better at writing by writing, for example. So when the opportunity arose to collaborate with Madeleine Wattenberg’s Literary Publishing class at Lakeland University on a chapbook series, I saw the prospect as win-win all around, for students, for teachers, for writers, and for my press.
The Calliope Chapbook series was named in honor the Greek goddess Calliope, muse of epic poetry. The first installment of three chapbooks to be published in the spring of 2025 will be open to emerging or experienced poets from Wisconsin only. Writers of the three selected chapbooks will be given a publishing contract with Water’s Edge Press, but must be open to working with student editors throughout the production and promotion processes.
If you are a Wisconsin poet not affiliated with Lakeland University and are interested in this unique and exciting opportunity, please visit the Water’s Edge Press website to learn more about the press and to read the call for submissions. The submission window runs from November 15, 2024 – January 15, 2025.
This hybrid publishing venture is not a contest. There are no fees to submit. There are no cash awards.
View the submission guidelines.